Baseball Brings Us (Ultimately) Together.

This year my Dodgers have held my attention - more than the normal year's 90 early morning seconds on the throne in the while I scan the box scores.
2006 has been a rollar-coaster, characterized by losing and winning streaks in double digits, untimely injuries and timely trades, mediocre pitching and power. At this point they are 1 game in 1st with 33 left to play.

I'm out of the closet this morning, copping to having had Dodger Blue blood in my veins since 1953.

This year is no different, excepting I'm aware of why I need the Dodgers - and baseball - more than ever.
6 Moderated Comments:
Greetings from a depressed Red Sox fan.
Condolences are in order.
Vig, you just got to read Chris Epting's
Back to the Bleachers about veteran baseball writer Arnold Hano! Today's LAT Magazine - must read!
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I thought the NYT piece on Green was very realistic, but again, I'm not an aficianado.
I too love baseball, particularly St. Louis Cardinals baseball, or Florida Marlins baseball, depending on where I am living at the time :-)
All baseball is local?
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