Celebrating 17 Men Who Put Country Above Party
Yesterday, in the United States House of Representatives, 17 Republicans crossed the aisle.
By joining with the Democratic majority, they forged a bipartisan rejection of Bush's 'doubling down' on his illegal occupation of Iraq.

Tom Davis, Tim Johnson, Thomas Petri, Steven LaTourette, Ron Paul, Ric Keller, Philip English, Michael Castle, Mark Kirk, John 'Jimmy' Duncan, Jim Ramstad, James Walsh, Howard Coble, Fred Upton, Bob Inglis, Walter Jones, and Wayne Gilchrest

The inevitable peeling back of the Republican rubberstamp on militarism has begun. That's progress. And it's time to recognize it.
Still along way to go, however, to placing George W. Bush in his reserved & deserved place in history.
By joining with the Democratic majority, they forged a bipartisan rejection of Bush's 'doubling down' on his illegal occupation of Iraq.

The inevitable peeling back of the Republican rubberstamp on militarism has begun. That's progress. And it's time to recognize it.
Still along way to go, however, to placing George W. Bush in his reserved & deserved place in history.
12 Moderated Comments:
Those Republicans sure are funny-looking.
Same ol' M.D. Never cuttin' any slack. None at all.....
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hey look ahelluva lot better to me than those jerks who voted to support the Prez
It's not about what they look like; it's about what comes out between their lips. Take John McCain in Des Moines today:
I don't know what the other options are because if we fail here I think it's going to be very difficult to maintain the support of the American people. And when the American people don't support a war ... then we aren't able to maintain a foreign endeavor.
He's been kissing up to Bush so much, he's beginning to sound like him.
I'm surprised, but happy, to see Bob Inglis from the upstate of South Carolina in the pack. Inglis is, or at least was, a hard line Bush conservative and his defection is a testament that even in SC the "stay the course" line will not work anymore. His defection even made NPR this afternoon with the NPR lady talking over the phone with Lee Bandy the political guru for the local Columbia paper.
Is it true that Barak Obama drew 3,000 in South Carolina, today?
Hi DB,
Yeah, he drew really big crowds both in Columbia on Friday and in Orangeburg today. Several local newscasters described his Friday visit to Columbia more as of a party but they reported his speech went over very well. Right now he is going to have to fight for both the African-American vote and white southern Democrat vote from Hillary and John Edwards. Several powerful African-American state legislators have already jumped on the Hillary bandwagon. And Edwards was born in South Carolina, so he got the favorite son thing going. What Obama has going for him is that both Edwards and Hillary have major baggage they still carry and if Obama can keep building on his momentum they both might fade out despite their early advantage.
If anything, these 17 "rebels" represent, more or less, the most futuristic clearvoyants on the right side of the isle. I am quite confident, that it's not that the first or even the second consideration was the good of the country, after all we are talking about politicians. Shame on me, but I don't trust used-car-salesmen and even less the career politicians. But what the hell, one shouldn't check the gift horse's teeth!
Senator Russ Feingold:
Let me remind my colleagues–when the voters rejected the President’s Iraq policy in November, they weren’t rejecting an escalation. That option wasn’t even on the table then. They were rejecting the President’s policy of trying to achieve a political solution in Iraq with a massive and unlimited military presence. After delaying action for a couple months, the President ignored overwhelming public sentiment, the advice of members of both parties, and the views of military and foreign policy experts when he proposed his escalation. The administration turned its back on the American people. We in Congress should not follow suit. We have a responsibility to our constituents, and to our men and women in uniform. If no one will listen to, and act on, the will of the American people, then there is something seriously wrong with our political system.
After almost four years of a disastrous policy, we must bring our troops out of Iraq. To do otherwise is to ignore public outrage over the war and to ignore the many other, pressing national security priorities that we are neglecting in favor of a myopic focus on Iraq. The American people recognize that there is no U.S. military solution to Iraq’s civil war. And as long as we focus disproportionate attention and resources on Iraq, we will not be able to counter the full range of threats that we face in Afghanistan, in Somalia, and around the world.
All hands on deck! The Murtha Smear Is On! Rally in Jack's defense!
Amazing! There is courage in Congress!
Impeach Bush!
Nominate Obama!
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