The Next President Will Have to Be the Toughest S.O.B. . . .
. . . you ever thought you'd be voting for.

But get used to it, Progressives. It's never going to get any better than it is right now. Here's what the G.O.P. book is on Senator Obama:

But get used to it, Progressives. It's never going to get any better than it is right now. Here's what the G.O.P. book is on Senator Obama:
From his radical stance on abortion to his prominence in the corruption scandals that has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media, Barack Obama is not fit to be Senator -- not to mention the next President of the United States.I just wanted to present the other side, because this website is strictly nonpartisan.
Obama has declared his presidential intentions, but it is up to well-informed and energetic conservatives like you to spare our nation from the scourge of a far-left President Barack H. Obama.
Get your FREE PDF copy of HUMAN EVENTS' new special report - Barack Obama: EXPOSED! - when you sign up for our free email newsletters. It's the only way you'll get all the ammunition you need to end Obama's White House dreams once and for all.
25 Moderated Comments:
Vigil, I roared with laughter when I read your closing line! You and the "Fox Noise Machine", two of a kind!!!!! Oh, Yeah. NOT!
But, as the Patron Saint of the GOP loved to say: "There they go again".
Whenever the Republicans are unable to address an issue raised by a Democratic candidate for public office, what do they do? They ALWAYS attempt to change the subject by attacking the PERSON and attempting to portray that person as a pariah, worthy only of scorn and/or ridicule, and hence, not worthy of engaging in a dialogue about the particular issue(s). Or, they obfuscate, have memory lapses, and/or outright dissemble and lie.
Publication of unsubstantiated accusations, such as occur in the material you cite, do NOTHING to advance "The People's Business", which, after all, is what would be most helpful for our foundering democracy.
The way I gauge candidate toughness is the ability to take a punch and to immediately counter punch with greater ferocity, eloquence and relevance. John Kerry was not a tough guy. I think Edwards, Obama and HR Clinton are. However, Clinton's age is off-putting. I saw her on C-Span last night on a Senate Panel: she looks competent, on task, but fatigued. I question her endurance.
A good example of American politics. Both sides engage in the politics of disinformation.
It has become a fine art and science.
Since all the players in the drama are fabricated from focus groups, lowest common denominator type thinking, and the science of deceit and manipulation, is the golden mean, it makes you wonder what all the fuss is about.
It is only our system and the crooked methods that operate it.
The question is, Messenger, is Al Gore tough enough? To answer this question, which of his track records do you use? 2000? or Post-2003?
While she is not my favorite, by a long shot, it would be a major strategic mistake by the Republicans to underestimate Mrs. Clinton. As far as the rest are concerned they all should have developed anti-swiftboating tactics of their own.
I agree with Beach. The Democrats need their own swift boat bullies.
Mike and Beach, do you think there are swiftboating talents behind Hillary?
Vigil, do bears leave steamy piles of poop in the deep dark woods?
Whenever I find myself lost in the deepest and darkest woods, I pray that Beach will show me the way out with his high powered flashlight of reassurance.
Ugh, can the left avoid swiftboating and just stick to the facts, even if they are uncomfortable for some people...and call a bully a bully (instead of becoming one)? Will we ever learn to accept our differences and focus on what is good for all of us? That society where we can all thrive, no matter on what rung we were born.
I just signed up to receive the PDF with my anon email address so I'll get to pass that on to someone on Obama's campaign staff (-: if they don't have it already (probably do).
I've got to say the fact that the right is in such a tizzy over Obama really makes me think he's got the right stuff! I still prefer Edward's leadership on issues right now.
Yes, his leadership on money issues is peerless. As a multi multi millionaire who is on the board of a giant hedge fund that supports Globalism in every sense, Edwards would be tough as nails for any issue that takes any feathers from his nest.
- Hillary also with her very important background as a board member of the Walmart corporation for many years, when they experienced explosive growth, would be a key player for Amerika`s future. That experience of growing Walmart, would no doubt serve her well for advancing the issues of the American special interest groups that have to be 'fed'.
I can not remember if Hillary is a progressive or not ?
Could someone fill me in ?
Like Ralph Nader, Sievert doesn't think there's a significant difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Vig, congrats on going non partisan. ;-) Please check today's top article at my place. There's a surprise for you there.
Whatever Democrat gets the nomination, they'd better be prepared to fight off the deepest depth of foul slime the Rovian cesspit can produce. Both Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004 tried to stay "above that", and that was a major mistake. Unfortunately the majority of US voters are apathetic sheep how make the effort to know no more than they talking head on the broadcast MSM. Since filth sells, they parrot GOP lies with glee. If the Dem de jour does not fight back, he or she will lose. The difference is simple enough. While GOP slime is almost invariably based on lies and distortions, the Dems have a wonderful weapon to wield: the truth.
Vigil: I am led by Beach's high powered flashlight; regardless I use a Kel-Lite. Superior in the matter of illumination but that would be in the eye of the beholder. I have no idea what I just said.
What Messenger said.
The way I gauge candidate toughness is the ability to take a punch and to immediately counter punch with greater ferocity, eloquence and relevance.
And Clinton looks tired to me, too.
Thankfully, they have all learned to respond forcefully and effectively (and sometimes with humor) to the smears and distortions.
The best defense is a good offense.
Great read and to the point. Glad I found this place.
Mad Mike, good product placement, there!
Fair and balanced! LOL
Great post! Thanks! :)
To M.D. and Messenger:
To be "Presidential", Hillary Clinton has to be both a lady and a bitch whenever the occasion calls for it. Margret Thatcher could 'do bitch' rather well. I'm betting Hillary can, too. I'll be enthusiastically voting for her in November 2008.
Good idea Ite. No doubt she will sell you down the river, as her experience as a trusted board member of Walmart would indicate.
How charming that you will vote for a queen of special interests.
I confer you with the American Cog award for sheeple people.
Your the type that will 'enthusiastically' vote for any fake focus group originated politician no doubt.
Skip S. Hates America
LTE, it's all the same to me. The Progressive nominee has to be a sonofabitch or a bitch. I'll be up for either.
Wrong non-partisan.
But I do hate you
Thanks, Stella! Not watching much TV, I obviously haven't seen enough 'good stuff'. If it's produced and written by David Milch, I'll have to take a look at it. Trophy Wife and I were true NYPD-Bluers. I'll try Net Flix or a DVD.
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