Lou Thieblemont is Republican of the Week
Our Regular Friday Feature Continues!
Unfortunately, once again, he's only an ex-Republican. But that's the way it goes.
Camp Hill (PA) Mayor Lou Thieblemont switched his lifelong Republican registration this week so he can vote for Democratic Sen. Barack Obama in Pennsylvania's April 22 primary.
Thieblemont said of Obama.
Unfortunately, once again, he's only an ex-Republican. But that's the way it goes.

Camp Hill (PA) Mayor Lou Thieblemont switched his lifelong Republican registration this week so he can vote for Democratic Sen. Barack Obama in Pennsylvania's April 22 primary.
Thieblemont said of Obama.
I'm sick and tired of the politics of fear in this country. He's the only one who doesn't do that. He's the only candidate who's said he'd talk to our enemies and try to get some common ground.A retired airline pilot, Thieblemont, 62, said he doesn't believe the Bush administration's claims that the United States is safer now. Obama is
the only candidate that speaks to me and my interests ..... get us back to a sane world and use common sense ..... Right now, we have a polarized society ..... We're all alone in the world. We have basically lost all our friends in the world with comments like 'bring it on.'Republicans are on the run in Pennsylvania.
9 Moderated Comments:
I'm not sure that this protracted war between Hillary and Barack is such a ruinous thing. It's sustaining lots of excitement late in the primary season. Reading The Inquirer, Democratic voter registrations are jumping. As civil wars, this civil war within the Democratic party has become quite a road show. As long as it maintains a level of civility, anyways.
Hmm, yeah, I'm very happy to see the DLC taken on by better leadership ideas! A Democratic leader who is a uniter, not a voter cherry-picker, and not Republican-lite. Obama joins Howard Dean with his 50 state strategy!
Ya but, Today Bill talked about what a great team Hillary and John MCCain would make. Is this her direction, or is he off the reservation. But the old self indulgent boomer is claiming Hill and John are the only adults in the room.
Ok, I take back what I said about the only good republican being a dead republican, I'm down with ex-republicans
Got a suggestion: how about P.J. O'Rourke? Why, look, there's Urban Pink! Hi! Good to "see" you.
P.J. O'Rourke? I don't think so.
The Day, published in New London, Connecticut has apologized for endorsing Lieberman for Senate in 2006 over Ned Lamont, saying We Don't Know This Sen. Joe. I say a day late and a dollar short.
Interesting, Vig. Can you enlighten me further about him? I saw him on Bill Maher and was intrigued because he actually seemed to have a sense of humor.
Who, Stella? P.J. O'Rourke? or Lou Thieblemont?
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