Busheney's High Crimes and Misdemeanors? No Question!

Because my time is extremely limited, I missed all in Friday's Judiciary Committee, presided over by the genteel and befuddled Chairman Conyers. I especially wanted to review the Q&A's by Congressman Robert Wexler, and found them at MWC News. IMHO, Wexler deserves the assignment of making the keynote

All through the hearings Conyers was struggling to keep pro-impeachers in the audience calm and quiet, but the Republicans, looking over his shoulders, were complaining about audible cheers and jeers as well as the signs in front of cameras. But when Vincent Bugliosi read his opening statement, outlining his case that the Justice Department should bring first degree murder charges against the president for illegally invading Iraq, the room erupted. Conyers decided not to boot the boisterous activists from the room, but he did remind the entire audience to refrain from any demonstrations of approval or disapproval of the proceedings.
That seemed to work more or less until fired up the crowd again during Q & A. It went something like this:
By taking this nation into war on a lie, all of the killings of American soldiers in Iraq became unlawful killings, and therefore murders.Cindy Sheehan (in the hearing room audience):
Thank you, Vince!!!Conyers:
Some members are urging me to take more action than merely reminding our audience to maintain decorum.Sheehan,
I urge you to take SOME action!Conyers:
OK then, Sheehan, you're out.Pandemonium.
I haven't been able to find Bugliosi's statement in HTML, but here's an excerpt from his book, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, in which he's more harsh on Busheney's enablers than the dual evil doers themselves.

But he deserves much more than impeachment. I mean, in America, we apparently impeach presidents for having consensual sex outside of marriage and trying to cover it up. If we impeach presidents for that, then if the president takes the country to war on a lie where thousands of American soldiers die horrible, violent deaths and over 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, including women and children, even babies are killed, the punishment obviously has to be much, much more severe. That's just common sense.
If Bush were impeached, convicted in the Senate, and removed from office, he'd still be a free man, still be able to wake up in the morning with his cup of coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice and read the morning paper, still travel widely and lead a life of privilege, still belong to his country club and get standing ovations whenever he chose to speak to the Republican faithful. This, for being responsible for over 100,000 horrible deaths?* For anyone interested in true justice, impeachment alone would be a joke for what Bush did.
Let's look at the way some of the leading liberal lights (and, of course, the rest of the entire nation with the exception of those few recommending impeachment) have treated the issue of punishment for Bush's cardinal sins.
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wrote about "the false selling of the Iraq War. We were railroaded into an unnecessary war." Fine, I agree. Now what? Krugman just goes on to the next paragraph. But if Bush falsely railroaded the nation into a war where over 100,000 people died, including 4,000 American soldiers, how can you go on to the next paragraph as if you had been writing that Bush spent the weekend at Camp David with his wife? .... Are there no consequences for committing a crime of colossal proportions?
Al Franken on the David Letterman show said, "Bush lied to us to take us to war" and quickly went on to another subject, as if he was saying "Bush lied to us in his budget."
Senator Edward Kennedy, condemning Bush, said that "Bush's distortions misled Congress in its war vote" and "No President of the United States should employ distortion of truth to take the nation to war." But, Senator Kennedy, if a president does this, as you believe Bush did, then what? ..... why, Senator Kennedy, do you, like everyone else, want to give Bush this complete free ride?
The New York Times, in a June 17, 2004, editorial, said that in selling this nation on the war in Iraq, "the Bush administration convinced a substantial majority of Americans before the war that Saddam Hussein was somehow linked to 9/11, . . . inexcusably selling the false Iraq-Al Qaeda claim to Americans." But gentlemen, if this is so, then what? The New York Times didn't say anything, but went on to the next paragraph like everyone else talking about something else.
In a November 15, 2005, editorial, the New York Times said that "the president and his top advisers . . . did not allow the American people, or even Congress, to have the information necessary to make reasoned judgments of their own. It's obvious that the Bush administration misled Americans about Mr. Hussein's weapons and his terrorist connections." But if it's "obvious that the Bush administration misled Americans" in taking them to a war that tens of thousands of people have paid for with their lives, now what? No punishment? If not, under what theory? Again, you're just going to go on to the next paragraph?
I'm not going to go on to the next unrelated paragraph.
In early December of 2005, a New York Times-CBS nationwide poll showed that the majority of Americans believed Bush "intentionally misled" the nation to promote a war in Iraq. A December 11, 2005, article in the Los Angeles Times, after citing this national poll, went on to say that because so many Americans believed this, it might be difficult for Bush to get the continuing support of Americans for the war. In other words, the fact that most Americans believed Bush had deliberately misled them into war was of no consequence in and of itself. Its only consequence was that it might hurt his efforts to get support for the war thereafter. So the article was reporting on the effect of the poll findings as if it was reporting on the popularity, or lack thereof, of Bush's position on global warming or immigration. Didn't the author of the article know that Bush taking the nation to war on a lie (if such be the case) is the equivalent of saying he is responsible for well over 100,000 deaths? One would never know this by reading the article......
For my money, Vicent Bugliosi was the most profound witnesses heard in Friday's show farce of an impeachment hearing. He's calling Congress into the docket along with Bush and Cheney, et. al. Small wonder that they just want to move on to the next paragraph.
9 Moderated Comments:
Bush and his gang needs to be prosecuted, not impeached, which takes up valuable time and is nothing more than symbolic, but PROSECUTED by the Justice Department. Our country is in turmoil. Congress needs to attend to important business.
Great post, and great article by Wexler!
Is Mad Mike correct that we could just prosecute them? If so, that would be the way to go.
It all goes together, why was it so important to have new hires at the Justice Department "serving" King Bush instead of the AMERICAN PEOPLE? I pray that we will prosecute, but who will? Can we, the people, since our Justice Dept has been sold down the river?
Speaking of murderers:
As Texas governor, Bush was known as a "hangman". As commander in chief, Bush could have commuted the death sentence of Ronald A. Gray, a former Army cook convicted of multiple rapes and murders. But Bush decided Monday that Gray's crimes were so repugnant that execution was the only just punishment.
Bush's decision marked the first time in 51 years that a president has affirmed a death sentence for a member of the U.S. military. It was the first time in 46 years that such a decision has even been weighed in the Oval Office.
In civilian courts in North Carolina, Gray had already pleaded guilty to two murders and five rapes and was sentenced to three consecutive and five concurrent life terms. Only then was tried by general court-martial at the Army's Fort Bragg, convicted and sentenced to death.
Bugliosi's charge of murder is excessive, Vigil. Bush might be liable for manslaughter charges. But murder? One would have to buy his book to see why Bugliosi, as a lawyer, goes to such an extreme.
As pertaining to the unnecessary war in Iraq being in and of itself a grounds for impeachment, it's clear how/why it doesn't measure up to the impeachment of Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon. Clinton and Nixon did themselves in without any help from Congress. In Bush's case, Congress aided and abetted his warring in Iraq. (Or much of it.) They would have been co-defendants. That's why there's not been many Congressional votes for impeaching Bush.
That's a brilliant point soros' proxy, one I hadn't read before.
Thanks for shedding some light on the reluctance of Congress to take additional action.
True so true Soros' Proxy!!
WEXLER rocked it...seriously...he was amazing..I will try to find it on Youtube- I have been looking...don't forget to sign Dennis's Peitiion by WEd MN....
Great thread...
Although mm and I are on different ends of the spectrum concerning impeachment, I would feel mollified if the Justice Department indicted the lot of them. Yes, Congress has a lot to do, but I believe they should have started impeachment proceedings in 2006. They continued to vote to fund the war, FISA, and other pro-Bush issues that created the turmoil in the first place.
Yes, littlebill, I think mm has a good point now, but Congress should have taken action far sooner. Had most of the Senators done their homework in 2003 and read the real intelligence about Iraq, perhaps we wouldn't be in this mess.
I agree with Bugliosi in this regard, Soros. Over 1.2 million Iraqis (a guesstimate, granted) died as a result of this war we started. Both murder and war crimes resonate with me as an integral part of this administration, Soros. I am, of course, not counting approximately 4,200 soldiers that die going to battle "with the weapons they have, not the weapons they wish they had."
I did have the privilege of seeing the impeachment hearings on CSPAN, at least the last hour. Enigma's right: Wexler seriously rocked. A surprising twist to the proceedings was that Ray-Gun's Attorney General seemed to lean towards impeachment.
And Dennis Kucinich's steely stance surprised me. He was grim and determined to support justice. Don't let that little elfin smile fool you: he's steel underneath, and he articulated the need for iimpeachment succinctly.
IP, I just read this morning that Bush is at it again and gave the death sentence to another soldier for the same crime.
Cudos to urbanpink. Except we, most of the people, sold our own justice department down the river. I would like to see madmike be right, but, like urbanpink, I'm not sure who the Justice Department serves anymore.
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