Be the Change You Believe In!

We’ve been getting lots of phone calls about our plans tomorrow to engage in a little real democracy on the Lakeville town sidewalk as opposed to inside the McCain Campaign’s staged “Town Hall” at Lakeville High School South (where in order to get a ticket to get in—if you can actually get through to a “McCain Victory Office”—a person is supposed to give up his/her critical thinking at the door and volunteer for McCain’s campaign before entering). Some controversy has even surfaced about whether constitutional democracy itself might be in jeopardy in Lakeville given the fear and panic that tends to descend when Bush Administration thinking is in the air.
However, Lakeville, the last time we checked, is still supposed to be part of the land of the free and brave. And one would think, wouldn’t ya, that the Lakeville High School’s emphasis on education would fit with the need for students to develop an appreciation of people exercising their rights and duties as good citizens. So we hope everyone will consider coming down to participate in this effort with us tomorrow (21135 Jacquard Avenue) in order to guarantee that our First Amendment Rights to free speech will survive, even in this challenging environment.
In addition to all of our previous anti-war, anti-torture banners and peace signs, we’ve spent the day making lots of good new signs and messages. Several are strongly worded like: “How’s your 401K?” “Town Hell!” “Surge hurt$” “Main Street Hurt$” “Taxing Health Care Benefits is SICK!” “5% Maverick---95% Enabler” “Empty Suits for Coleman”, etc. (you get the idea).
If you look carefully, you’ll see Meg holding my newest activist granddaughter baby in the first row of this video.
6 Moderated Comments:
Ms. Rowley: I live in Minneapolis and am familiar with your diligent work to warn your superiors about a possible attack on our country and your continued work in Minnesota. Thanks for your service to our country.
On to Lakeville!
What MacDaddy said! (I'm hoping you and MacDaddy meet up sometime.)
GR8 post, Coleen! Love the music in your clips.
Take it to the warmongers tomorrow. Get in their faces. Those who have run our once-great country into the ground and into the poor house.
I love your nonviolence witnesses. Otherwise the media will twist and distort the whole story.
Indeed. Thank you for your past and continuing service to your country, Agent Rowley.
As a career law enforcement officer (retired)turned university professor I have an appreciation for good cops, and Ms Rowley you went above and beyond. I wish you the best of luck. I like the "agent" for change logo:-)
The first video was strikingly familiar given those I'm around here in South Carolina and the second gave me the best pick-me-up all day.
Great job Agent Rowley! But as a Utahan, we have our own battles against the "Family Values" crowd.
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