One, Two, Three, Four! What Is It That We Are Voting For?

One reason may be that I've already said what I have to say from the beginning of my blogging -- starting with Busheney's ill-considered invasion and occupation of Iraq. In fact, I've said it all many times and in many ways. What remains unsaid?
I feel like apologizing to my children and grandchildren for any omissions and understatements I may have inadvertently left on the record pertaining to the infamy of the last eight years in American history and the first eight years of the 21st century.
Busheney's naked and unprovoked aggression against, and occupation of, Iraq, directly resulting in the squandering of 4,189 American KIA, and thousands more maimed; 1.3 millions of Iraqis killed and their infrastructure obliterated; and the expenditure of $3 trillion (and still counting). For their initiating a needless war through lying and manipulating intelligence, I wanted to see Busheney impeached.
Failing impeachment, I wanted the 2008 election to be a referendum on repudiating the Busheney years.

But, alas, this election will prove not to have been a verdict on Iraquagmire. There are an infinite number of Bush errors which are simmering on the surface of voter discontent, starting with the economy (stupid!) and continuing with two wars, an endless occupation, and the growing gap between the wealthy and the rest of us, which, together, have combined to run our nation's economy into the mud, along with our international image.
And then there is the ascent of Barack Obama, a candidate incredibly over-qualified for the Presidency. A moderate, middle-of-the-roader, and centrist, he disappoints me: He will not repudiate Bush's occupation by evacuating Iraq as capriciously as Bush invaded. Post election, he will not direct his Attorney General to prosecute Bush and his men for their myriad crimes against the Constitution or international law. His temperate political restraint, for me, is lamentable and unsatisfying.
But this man has the mettle to accept the challenge presented by Busheney's trail of destruction and devastation. His defeat of Hillary Clinton and John McCain shows communication, organizational and leadership skills sorely vacant from the POTUS in recent memory. In Senator Obama, I sense the embodiment and the personification of change. I feel the presence of a person who can resolve issues which our country has forever called out to be settled. Barack Obama is a closer.
If I cannot vote today on Iraquagmire, it's not exactly a dismal consolation to be voting for elite political leadership, going forward. Not to do so would be to turn one's back on fortune. And the good fortune of extraordinary statesmanship is exactly what is required to clean up the many messes which Busheney leave us as they depart the scene of their crimes.
14 Moderated Comments:
Well stated. On my blog, I pondered the idea of Obama finishing the dream that Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy started. We'll see.
Very nicely done Vig. You won't run out of things to say. Too much in that mind of yours for you to stop writing. Maybe Beach and I can convince you to start writing "FICTION." I always put quotes around that because Beach and I are mainly writers of memoir.
You were a big inspiration and a wonderful early reader of my stuff. I think you and Stella were my first readers. It was so exciting and made me try harder to say it better. Thanks for that.
All I can say Vigil is that the story is not yet over with Bush. While all signs seem to show that Obama is not out to bring Bush and his cohorts to justice karma can be a bitch and no one know what surprise events or bushy slime might seep to the surface forcing some action. Right now though while I would love to see Bush, Cheney, and all the fellow criminals brought to justice much more pressing matters for the country deserve attention. I have to add that while getting Obama to the White House (He still has to win first, I know) was an epic battle he will need even more of our support not just to overcome republican efforts to sabotage him but also from Congressional Democrats that will have their own agendas they will pursue at Obama's expense.
Let's hope that we have nothing to say for a long, long time.
Yes, we did, Beach. God bless America. God bless the American people who passed their history exam. Finally. And God Bless our Secret Service.
I still cannot believe it. the words....
"President-Elect Barack Obama"
No more is it Senator Obama. President.....
Yes we could!
Sigh... Let the record show I was a little smaltzy last night.
Moving on, an excerpt from Michael Moore's letter:
.....We really don't have much time. There is big work to do. But this is the week for all of us to revel in this great moment. Be humble about it. Do not treat the Republicans in your life the way they have treated you the past eight years. Show them the grace and goodness that Barack Obama exuded throughout the campaign. Though called every name in the book, he refused to lower himself to the gutter and sling the mud back. Can we follow his example? I know, it will be hard.
Take it to heart, Vigil.
Pravda: "Eight Years of Hell are Over"
OMG, it's real. And let me add "Vice-President Elect Biden."
You've been right all along Vig... Hat off to you.
You always predicted a landslide victory Vigil and that is what we got.
It's not enough to sweep out the stalls. Bring shovels first, the shit is really deep.
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