Happy (Happier) New Year!
The dawning of a new year, and soon, the sunset of an error.
I’ve been walking my dogs in this hoodie sweat shirt for over a year now. Other walkers, encountered, used to split 50/50 between congratulating me on it and asking me what the numbers meant.
Since sometime last midsummer, no one has asked me what the numbers mean. No one.
Most people want to look ahead; hopeful for competent leadership, faithful in our unique Constitution, and confident in our economic comeback. Most want to look toward dawns and sunrises as opposed to twilights and sunsets.

I like dawns. I’m somewhat hopeful, faithful and confident. And I agree with the people who wear shirts which say, “Yes, We did.” I totally like Barack Obama. I totally can get fired up and ready to go!
But I also respect sunsets. I will not forget the last eight years. Neither will I forgive. Forgiveness is for Christians.

Since sometime last midsummer, no one has asked me what the numbers mean. No one.
Most people want to look ahead; hopeful for competent leadership, faithful in our unique Constitution, and confident in our economic comeback. Most want to look toward dawns and sunrises as opposed to twilights and sunsets.

I like dawns. I’m somewhat hopeful, faithful and confident. And I agree with the people who wear shirts which say, “Yes, We did.” I totally like Barack Obama. I totally can get fired up and ready to go!
But I also respect sunsets. I will not forget the last eight years. Neither will I forgive. Forgiveness is for Christians.
9 Moderated Comments:
Thank God 2008 is over. Happy New year to you Vigil and Trophy Wife. Been listening to the pundits a lot lately, just because my schedule has been really screwed for the last two weeks, and everyone feels the same way in that the last eight years will never be forgotten.
2008, Get outta here! You gave us a terrible economy and the lamest of lame duck presidents to do anything about it.
Vigil, I think you're off base with that last sentence.
I get it: you're pissed off, as are a whole bunch of us, at the terrible and unnecessary loss of Iraqi and American lives squandered in the name of political gain so that "W" could parade himself as "A Commander-in-Chief; and at the enormity of the reckless damage inflicted upon our country, our Constitution, our economy, our cherished American values, our standing around the world, and our ability to solve the many issues confronting our polarized-politicized country.
But holding onto the anger and resentment I feel when I think of the divisiveness "W" and Company have helped to institutionalize in our Body Politic, I feel helpless and mired down in despair. Christians are not the only people who are capable of forgiveness.
I want to give myself the gift of forgiveness (which is NOT forgetting) so that I can let go of the despair and stuckness that accompanies holding onto anger and resentment. I want to be a part of the solution, not just a complainer. America needs all of her citizens working to restore, reclaim and renew her.
Emily, I feel so busted. You're right. That line is so 2008. All I can say is that I wrote it last year.
Here's my truthiness: I could learn something from the both of you, Emily and Vig. I'm working on forgiveness this year.
Maybe after the inauguration...?
Stella, for the record, I have only rescinded my zinger about Christians; I have not reneged on forgiveness. I will never forgive them. (Not that it matters and not that they care.)
18 days before D Day! Happy New Year to one and all at Vigilland!
Back atcha', Hills!
Stella, thanks for your very kind words, but I am no paragon of virtue. And, with hindsight, I can see how my words suggest that I have succeeded in forgiving “The Great Decider”, for his contempt for our Constitution, our People, and our American values. Sadly, I am only at the beginning of what I fear will be a long and difficult, if not impossible, journey toward forgiveness.
I WANT to forgive him and his sycophantic enablers so that I am not poisoned by endlessly ruminating over all the needless suffering these ideologues have inflicted upon our nation and its citizens, as well as upon too many others inhabiting this planet with us.
That I am struggling in my attempt to forgive is what I intended to say - with the unspoken hope that others might share their thoughts and feelings about undertaking, and completing, such a journey.
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