I'm Down With Mo and Michelle O.

I'm With Maureen Dowd when she's protecting Michelle Obama's arms.
In her NYT column, Should Michelle Cover Up? Ms Dowd writes that she was recently sharing a cab ride with David Brooks who presumed to comment on the First Lady's arms. To be sure, Mo set the Prince of Snark up by asking Brooks what he thought of Mrs. Obama's arms. Brooks took the bait. He said,
She’s made her point. Now she should put away Thunder and Lightning . . . Washington is sensually avoidant. The wonks here like brains. She should not be known for her physical presence, for one body part. . . .Sometimes I think half the reason Obama ran for president is so Michelle would have a platform to show off her biceps.Brooks added that the policy crowd in D.C. would consider the dress ostentatious and made her daunting.
Like Sandra McElwaine who wrote in the Daily Beast that,
. . . . you can’t escape the subject—Michelle Obama’s unrelenting sleeveless look, and namely, her gorgeous, toned arms. In the midst of a conversation about the thorny issues of the day someone will mention those limbs.Ms. Dowd disagrees, saying that Michelle
. . . . Michelle has simply turned toned arms into a bold, new fashion statement. Anatomical discussions around the proverbial watercooler used to revolve around legs or boobs or butts or toes, or even a serious wardrobe malfunction à la Janet Jackson. Not anymore. Not since the high-gloss first lady started flaunting those glistening ab-fab Obama-arms, the body part du jour . . . .the firmest triceps, biceps, and deltoids in town . . . . she feels compelled to don a sleeveless frock and flash those lanky, flab-free arms.
. . . . what has captured public attention and caused all the brouhaha is not just Michelle’s choice to bare arms, but her obvious devotion to physical fitness . . . . Michelle pumps iron and works out with a personal trainer for 90 minutes, three times a week, sometimes as early as 5:30 am—with her husband.
. . . . In all seriousness, and with all due respect to her, someone should tell Michelle to mix up her wardrobe and cover up from time to time. I’m beginning to think she has an Arnold Schwarzenegger complex.
...I'm with Mo. She brings on her own Thunder and Lightning.ignored that talk, thank heavens.
Let’s face it: The only bracing symbol of American strength right now is the image of Michelle Obama’s sculpted biceps. Her husband urges bold action, but it is Michelle who looks as though she could easily wind up and punch out Rush Limbaugh, Bernie Madoff and all the corporate creeps who ripped off America.
I love the designer-to-J. Crew glamour. Combined with her workaday visits to soup kitchens, inner-city schools and meetings with military families, Michelle’s flare is our depression’s answer to Ginger Rogers gliding around in feathers and lamé.
Her arms, and her complete confidence in her skin, are a reminder that Americans can do anything if they put their minds to it. Unlike Hillary, who chafed at the loathed job of first lady, and Laura, who for long stretches disappeared into the helpmeet role, Michelle has soared every day, expanding the job to show us what can be accomplished by a generous spirit, a confident nature and a well-disciplined body.
10 Moderated Comments:
I'm with Mo, also. Michelle's arms look terrific!!!
I say: "If you got it (and Michelle certainly does!), then revel in it!"
Michelle's toned arms can be viewed as encouragement to those of us who are working to get into better shape.
I say: "Michelle, you keep right on baring those lovely toned arms! David Brooks is just plain jealous."
I am with Emily who is with Mo and Vigil who is also with Mo. Anyone else with Mo?
I can't believe David Brooks took the bait. I thought he was smarter than that.
After the mega-prudish Mrs. Bush, we are once again witnessing another example of sheer envy on the part of the gloomy republicans.
Read Why Wimpy David Brooks Insulted Michelle Obama's Biceps! The Prince of Snark has been called out.
Amen! They are the new Ginger and Fred, the most elegant couple in America. I love them passionately. Mo, good on you. Vig, nicely done. Man, have you got great taste.
Ahhhhh..... The soft and caressing winds of change are blowing over Vigilante...... Sozadee forever........
Hello Sozadee! Or, welcome back!
LOL, E.!
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