Congratulations to Paul Krugman

The citation reads, in part:
What are the effects of free trade and globalization? What are the driving forces behind worldwide urbanization?All readers are well aware that Krugman, born in 1953, is a professor at Princeton University in New Jersey and a columnist for The New York Times. In his last column (yesterday's) written as a non-laureate, Krugman asks if the Brits have saved the world financial system. My excerpts:
Paul Krugman has formulated a new theory to answer these questions. He has thereby integrated the previously disparate research fields of international trade and economic geography.
Femafication? I wasn't awake, minutes ago, when I reached for my bookmarked on-line dictionary. Krugman, also an accomplished wordsmith, has coined a new word, the meaning of which is clear to any one starting his second cup of coffee.. . . . .What we do know, however, is that Mr. Brown and Alistair Darling, the chancellor of the Exchequer (equivalent to our Treasury secretary), have defined the character of the worldwide rescue effort, with other wealthy nations playing catch-up.
This is an unexpected turn of events. The British government is, after all, very much a junior partner when it comes to world economic affairs. It’s true that London is one of the world’s great financial centers, but the British economy is far smaller than the U.S. economy, and the Bank of England doesn’t have anything like the influence either of the Federal Reserve or of the European Central Bank. So you don’t expect to see Britain playing a leadership role.
. . . The Brown government has shown itself willing to think clearly about the financial crisis, and act quickly on its conclusions. And this combination of clarity and decisiveness hasn’t been matched by any other Western government, least of all our own.
. . . . . The natural thing to do, then — and the solution adopted in many previous financial crises — is to deal with the problem of inadequate financial capital by having governments provide financial institutions with more capital in return for a share of ownership.
This sort of temporary part-nationalization, which is often referred to as an “equity injection,” is the crisis solution advocated by many economists — and sources told The Times that it was also the solution privately favored by Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman.
But when Henry Paulson, the U.S. Treasury secretary, announced his plan for a $700 billion financial bailout, he rejected this obvious path, saying, “That’s what you do when you have failure.” Instead, he called for government purchases of toxic mortgage-backed securities, based on the theory that ... actually, it never was clear what his theory was.
Meanwhile, the British government went straight to the heart of the problem — and moved to address it with stunning speed. On Wednesday, Mr. Brown’s officials announced a plan for major equity injections into British banks, backed up by guarantees on bank debt that should get lending among banks, a crucial part of the financial mechanism, running again. And the first major commitment of funds will come on Monday — five days after the plan’s announcement.
At a special European summit meeting on Sunday, the major economies of continental Europe in effect declared themselves ready to follow Britain’s lead, injecting hundreds of billions of dollars into banks while guaranteeing their debts. And whaddya know, Mr. Paulson — after arguably wasting several precious weeks — has also reversed course, and now plans to buy equity stakes rather than bad mortgage securities (although he still seems to be moving with painful slowness).
. . . . policy is, finally, being driven by a clear view of what needs to be done. Which raises the question, why did that clear view have to come from London rather than Washington?
It’s hard to avoid the sense that Mr. Paulson’s initial response was distorted by ideology. Remember, he works for an administration whose philosophy of government can be summed up as “private good, public bad,” which must have made it hard to face up to the need for partial government ownership of the financial sector.
I also wonder how much the Femafication of government under President Bush contributed to Mr. Paulson’s fumble. All across the executive branch, knowledgeable professionals have been driven out; there may not have been anyone left at Treasury with the stature and background to tell Mr. Paulson that he wasn’t making sense. . . . .
Busheney, obedient servants of their Grover Norquistian masters, have succeeded not only in drowning our American government in their bathtubs, but also done their best to leave our USA prey to the stormy seas of international politics and finance.
The hour is late. Hopefully, not too late.
12 Moderated Comments:
Today's quote of the Day, is to be found at the BBC. Harvey Pitt (chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for two years until 2003):
We've got a 21st century financial services marketplace and a 19th century regulatory model.
Daybreak is coming as reflected in The Huffington Post's Economic Honor Roll of foresight:
· Nouriel Roubini, NYU professor of economics: from "The Rising Risk of a Systemic Financial Meltdown: The Twelve Steps to Financial Disaster"
· Warren Buffett, BBC News, "Buffett Warns On Investment 'Time Bomb,'" March 4, 2003
· Nassim Nicholas Taleb, from his book The Black Swan The Impact of the Highly Improbable, April 2007
· Byron Dorgan, Senator (D-ND): New York Times, "Washington's Invisible Hand," September 26, 2008
· Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize-winning economist: Washington Post, "The Iraq War Will Cost Us $3 Trillion, and Much More," March 9, 2008
· Paul Krugman, New York Times columnist, Greenspan and the Bubble
Krugman is doubly honored!
Vigil: He's my favorite. He's not just good in economic theory. He explains complex concepts so guys like me, who have only a basic concept of economics, can understand it.
First heard this on the way home. Could this be the Secretary of the Treasury in an Obama Administration?
Fed Chief. I've posted on this twice today. I'm a Paul Krugman groupie.
The brain trust on the right is bankrupt. The authoriative conservative British journal, Economist, conducts a survey of economists on Bush and his successors. On a scale of 1-5, five being best, the score is:
* Bush 2.0
* McCain 2.2
* Obama 3.3
Good one, Soros! It's like what Michelle Obama asked in St. Paul yesterday:
"Aren't you tired of that subprime leadership in the White House?"
Plus he's hot.
Who's hot? Obama? Krugman? Soros? or me?
LOL blogging4...Krugman is a proven wunderkind. I would love to see him as part of an Obama administration.
Krugman is great. Talk about a well-deserved prize. Did you say part of the Obama Administration, madmike and beach? Yes!
Soros and Yellow Dog, great comments. Messenger, can't wait to read these posts. Hurray! More research!
Yes, Utah, inquiring minds want to know who's hot.
Oh Vig? Your turn.
Krugman one of my favorites too. Another economist who has an amazing and fascinating track record is Nouriel Roubini.
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