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"I've been to war." & & TIME (January 27, 2002)
Sozadee is a state of mind. It was discovered (or founded) many years ago on a hot August afternoon's sail out of Newport Beach. There was no wind (at least any stronger than the current) and a burning, glaring sun. The limp sails afforded no shade. All aboard knew the outboard was questionable. The ice on the beer was melting and discussion was skirting the issue of sunstroke. Suddenly, the word "Sozadee" was uttered, the breeze returned, and all was well.
7 Moderated Comments:
Shamelessly extracted from No Caption Needed.
HE"S BEEN TO WAR???? When, where, what fucking war? Aren't we all ashamed to have this idiot for our president. God, it's sickening. We must be the laughing stock of the world.
Vigilante, If I comment on this your cuss-0-meter is going to go thermonuclear. Or is that "thermonucular?"
K's asking about you. She thinks you've abandoned us all because we cuss too much. Could this be true?
Oh Pious, clean mouthed, sweet smelling fat one, when are you going to actually write something of your own and stop poaching from the pond of other's creativity and courage?
Vig, he has been to war, beginning in 2001, and he's been at war against the US ever since.
O/T, please check today's second article at PP. It should interest you personally.
The world's most dangerous psychopathic, fallacious doofus. Even Mike Gravel has betrayed me.
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