Hard Choices!
An Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) Poll on Progressives' Priorities and Concerns for the Month of June 2006.
There are lots of hard choices of prioritizing in here. I deliberately left off the easy ones, such as this year's elections, impeachment, etc. I'm sure I missed some important concerns, and I invite readers to propose additions, deletions, re-phrasing in comments below.
I confess not having any purpose here, other than to conduct a wild-eyed experiment.
The ballot, of course, is secret. But I might ask those who engage in this experiment to leave a comment below; something like "I voted". It would be like a purple thumbor a voluntary exit interview!
And, of course, you can politic all you want in the comment section below.
It is what it is. Unscientific, to be sure: respondents are self-selecting themselves.
There are lots of hard choices of prioritizing in here. I deliberately left off the easy ones, such as this year's elections, impeachment, etc. I'm sure I missed some important concerns, and I invite readers to propose additions, deletions, re-phrasing in comments below.
I confess not having any purpose here, other than to conduct a wild-eyed experiment.
The ballot, of course, is secret. But I might ask those who engage in this experiment to leave a comment below; something like "I voted". It would be like a purple thumbor a voluntary exit interview!
And, of course, you can politic all you want in the comment section below.