These Are The Stakes
“These are the stakes” television ad, produced by the Republican National Committee and featuring Osama bin Laden, began a limited run on U.S. cable networks yesterday.
At press time, it's 1,868 days plus two hours (even) on the Osama Clock.Our Republican adversaries have never been long on subtlety, nuance, or irony. What an education is in store for them, if we can just coax them out of their little boxes. Congressional majorities will produce oversight which can conduct kindegarten classes for the GOP Headstart crowd.
At press time, it's 1,868 days plus two hours (even) on the Osama Clock.Our Republican adversaries have never been long on subtlety, nuance, or irony. What an education is in store for them, if we can just coax them out of their little boxes. Congressional majorities will produce oversight which can conduct kindegarten classes for the GOP Headstart crowd.