Evidence of War Crimes
The Chain of Custody Is SecureThe Center for Public Integrity has provided a service of inestimable value, deserving of a Nobel Prize for truth. I was not able to get any links to CPI's War Card site to work before now; perhaps because their bandwith was overloaded. But this database is extremely user-friendly and useful. I urge every one to try it, at least once. I know it won't inform many readers and lurkers of my pages because you already know this stuff. But everyone now knows where to refer lingering doubters that Busheney lied us into war in Iraq.The one problem with this site is that it doesn't tell the full story. It details the war crime of the White House stampeding our congress into invading Iraq on the basis of national security. But it doesn't detail Busheney's lies which have kept us there. That war crime continues...