The World Series

At this time of year, I dust off my list of changes which I feel will "fix" an un-broken game. Touching up the Perfectly Logical and Symmetrical Baseball League up a bit, I came up with a 9th Item.
Sozadee is a state of mind. It was discovered (or founded) many years ago on a hot August afternoon's sail out of Newport Beach. There was no wind (at least any stronger than the current) and a burning, glaring sun. The limp sails afforded no shade. All aboard knew the outboard was questionable. The ice on the beer was melting and discussion was skirting the issue of sunstroke. Suddenly, the word "Sozadee" was uttered, the breeze returned, and all was well.
posted by Vigilante at 10/21/2006 12:43:00 PM
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Manny Watch!
He's back, as of 3-July!!