Infantile Idealism vs. Adult Realism

A struggle over the control of the ship of state seems to be ensuing. Neocons Dick Cheney & Co. are losing out to Conservatives Brent Scowcroft & James Baker, Inc.
Brent Scowcroft, was national security adviser to three Republican presidents, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and George Bush Sr. He may be pulling strings in the latest US foreign policy departures. He is definitely a pivotal figure behind the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group. This panel submits its final report to Congress on Dec. 10.
Scowcroft said in an interview he gave the Turkish Daily News of Nov. 9, 2006:
I think we need to embed Iraq in a larger regional solution, and that to me goes back to the Palestinian issue. I think this would put us back on the offensive psychologically and even make Iraq easier to manage.This is what most of us expected, on 12-September-01. It's five years late. And billions of dollars short.
But I don’t think this will start with some kind of a conference because everyone will come with their preset speeches and everything will freeze again. But I think that there will be some quiet consultations in the region. I believe the Arab states in the region are eager for such a conversation. Israel may not be eager, but Israel is in bad shape right now.