The Next President Will Have to Be the Toughest S.O.B. . . .
. . . you ever thought you'd be voting for.

But get used to it, Progressives. It's never going to get any better than it is right now. Here's what the G.O.P. book is on Senator Obama:

But get used to it, Progressives. It's never going to get any better than it is right now. Here's what the G.O.P. book is on Senator Obama:
From his radical stance on abortion to his prominence in the corruption scandals that has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media, Barack Obama is not fit to be Senator -- not to mention the next President of the United States.I just wanted to present the other side, because this website is strictly nonpartisan.
Obama has declared his presidential intentions, but it is up to well-informed and energetic conservatives like you to spare our nation from the scourge of a far-left President Barack H. Obama.
Get your FREE PDF copy of HUMAN EVENTS' new special report - Barack Obama: EXPOSED! - when you sign up for our free email newsletters. It's the only way you'll get all the ammunition you need to end Obama's White House dreams once and for all.